Meet Pastor TJ and his wife Marla, and their son Henry Finn.

Pastor TJ has been with us since November of 2020. He is dedicated and passionate, first of all, for his family, and for our church family. He drives to see each person discipled and trained and to share their story with the world.

”Let’s build a Kingdom, not a Castle” - Jason Bachus

Marla is a dedicated wife and a loving person to be around. She is encouraging with her words and her presence. She is currently co-leading our Ladies’ Ministry through “She Reads Truth.” Marla is also a 9th grade English teacher at Central High School in Carrollton, Ga.

“Anxiety shows we are to close to the world, and to far from God.” - John Piper


Meet our Children’s Pastor Zachary Chandler.

Zachary has been a valued member of our church for a long time. He grew up as a leader in our student ministry and has formed many meaningful connections with our members. We are thrilled to have him join our staff.

Zachary is happily married to a wonderful woman named Kailey, who joined our church in 2022. Since then, she has played an instrumental role in taking our children's ministry to greater heights.

Come as you are but don’t stay as you are! - (Anonymous)


Meet our Worship Leader Logan Webber.

Logan has been singing and playing guitar since she was able to walk. She has a genuine heart and passion to lead our congregation to the presence of the Father through worship. She always stays true to herself. Logan continues to serve the Lord beyond her title here at Eulaton as she serves on the Skyward Worship team and helps lead Fusion Ministries.

“Worship is when we give God his breath back.” - Louie Giglio


Meet our Technical Director Hunter Rogerson

Hunter has been working production since his 9th grade year of high school. He continues to help produce EFBC’s weekly live stream on Sunday Mornings. Hunter also serves as our music director while playing keys along with Logan. He also serves beyond Eulaton by playing keys within Skyward Worship, and also helps lead Fusion Ministries.

“Work without purpose is unsustainable.” - Lincoln Brewster



Meet our secretary, Star Saly and her son Johnathan.

Star has been a faithful servant of the Lord for many years. She has served in many different roles here at Eulaton, and now she serves as our secretary. Star works hard in every role she takes on in our church. She is the type of person that if she see a need, she fills it.

“Don’t take anyone for granted because tomorrow is not promised.”

Johnathan is a very fun person to be around, and he loves everyone that he’s around. Johnathan currently serves in our AV department on Sunday mornings, and he also helps out in one of our Wednesday night classes.

“May the force be with you” - Luke Skywalker
